Beauty Inside & Out
About Us
KHARMEL is a minority-owned company!
We are more than just a Fragrance & Organic Skincare company, we are the embodiment of our collective communities. “When one suffers, we all suffer.” We aspire to empower and encourage uniqueness, confidence, and inner beauty by living to your full potential.
In January of 2021, I set out on a journey to start a business in the organic skincare market. Several events during this period solidified my decision and passion. Shortly after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, my role in Human Resources (HR) and the healthcare industry was impacted. It was then that I realized my dream was becoming a reality, and Kharmel.com was born.
In the summer of 2021, I conducted a soft launch for Kharmel.com, an organic skincare company. I recognized the impacts of COVID-19 on people’s lives, including rising mental health challenges and the loss of physical connection, Kharmel needed to be more than just a skincare brand. I wanted to have a personal connection with my customers and support them holistically. I believe that true beauty starts from within, and I aimed to support my customers in nurturing their inner and outer beauty. As the owner of Kharmel, I believe that beauty is both an individual and collective experience. “When one suffers, we all suffer.” My goal is to empower and encourage uniqueness, confidence, and inner beauty, helping people to live to their full potential. Kharmel is not just a skincare company, but a means of supporting my customer’s overall wellbeing during a challenging time.
The Kharmel logo is the lotus flower. I chose this logo because the lotus flower is one of the most beautiful flowers, yet it grows in the murkiest conditions. This symbolizes Kharmel’s core belief that living life to the fullest means facing adversity and rising above it. Through these experiences, we blossom into beautiful and resilient beings. It is through trials and tribulations that we build strength, endurance, and faith. Kharmel celebrates this holistic type of beauty – both in ourselves and others.
During this time, an additional significant event occurred – my sister was diagnosed with stage 3 or 4 ovarian cancer. As a spiritual person, I had faith that she would overcome this challenge, and she did prevail in her fight against the disease! To honor my sister’s journey, as well as the journeys of others who have survived Cancer, I decided to name one of Kharmels products after her – the LIA Tonic Toner. Being a cancer survivor myself, I deeply understand the importance of making connections, having support, and living life to the fullest during such trying times.
Kharmel believes that to live life to its fullness, means to deal with the adversities of life but to rise above, in a world with some of the murkiest conditions, and through those experiences, blossom into a beautiful and strong being. It is through those trials and tribulations, that we build Strength, Endurance, and Faith. Kharmel celebrates the holistic beauty in ourselves and in others.
“The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.”

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The Following safety guidelines should be observed before using Kharmel products:
Our products contain oils and butters from natural nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruit. If you have ANY allergies please read the product label & ingredients carefully. We recommend that people with sensitive skin perform a skin-patch test, to ensure there is no reaction. Please discontinue if irritation persists. Kharmel products are made with naturally derived ingredients which in rare cases may cause sensitivity in certain individuals. If you are uncertain about possible sensitivity, you may also want to consult with your healthcare provider.
All Kharmel products are for external use only. For questions, please email; [email protected]
Flexible Shipping – All orders over $75.00 will receive Free shipping.
Orders may only be shipped to address within the 50 States of the Unites States of America. Our goal is to ship your order quickly. A shipment guarantee is not an estimate or a promise. The length of time that is required to receive a product will depend on processing time and the time it takes for the carrier to deliver the order to your door.
Kharmel’s preferred shipping method is UPS. We do reserve the right to use other shipping carriers.
Sorry, We are unable to ship to a P.O. Box via UPS or Federal Express
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Any return must be accompanied with your original receipt within 10 days of purchase.
One return item per family.